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Shadows VLX - Magna Valkyrie GoldWings Kawasaki Intruders Yamaha


Honda Shadow VLX600 & Magna 750 Engine Guards ($146.95) and Front Fender Trim ($94.95)

Honda Shadow VLX600 and Magna 750 Floorboards

Honda Magna 750 Chrome Grab Rails and Seat Rail
either, $83.95 Each

Honda Magna 750 Rear Fender Mini-Rack

Standard $62.95
Deluxe $73.95

Honda Shadow & Deluxe ('99-'01) Chrome Grab Rails: A stylish option to help secure passengers or luggage  Price: $83.95
 Honda Shadow & Deluxe ('99-'01) Chrome Seat Rail: Offers improved passenger comfort; functional & good looking  Price: $99.95
 Honda VLX600 Shadow ('91-'98) Chrome Seat Rail: Offers improved passenger comfort; functional & good looking
Price: $83.95

Honda Shadow VLX600 & Magna 750 Saddlebag Guards ($52.95) and Chrome Sissy Bar with pad ($219.95)

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gary@scottsmotorcycle.com      or CALL  205-608-0061

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